All posts by tradingcomputersnow

Why Trading Requires A Reliable Trading Computer

Beginning traders often overlook how important a great stock trading computer is to their success. It is a misconception among traders that you can trade on any computer that is available. However, this is a huge risk and will inevitably result in lost profits. A trading computer is designed and built specifically for the use of trading stocks and currencies.

You might be able to get away with trading on your 10-year-old desktop, but if you do then you should count yourself lucky. All to often traders upgrade their computers only after they have experienced slippage or a lost execution. Successful traders know that this is a huge risk. Your stock trading computer needs to be able to process data in real time. Your trading software requires substantial processing power to complete this task. If you didn’t invest in a great trading computer 10 years ago, chances are that your old computer doesn’t have the ability to do any of the tasks that it will be asked to do for your trades. You need a ton of RAM and great graphics cards to run your trading platform and multiple screens. In your old computer, your processor is going to be very outdates and will act like a bottleneck for your trades. Even in the past 5 years processors have wildly changed. Intel just announced that their 2014 processors are 191% faster than its previous models released 5 years ago. You can see how dramatically technology changes and how your 10-year-old computer components won’t be able to keep up with newer tech.

All of this has the real possibility to end in a disaster for your broker account. Not only is it possible it’s almost a guarantee. You should invest in a custom built trading computer to make sure that all of your hard work is not lost on an underpowered trading computer. You can spend all day finding the 2 or 3 stocks that are going to breakout and make huge profits for you, but if your computer can’t execute that trade in real time all that effort was for naught.

You need speed and power to be able to complete successful trades. The best trading computer will offer you exactly that. You need these features to be readily available and to always provide you with a seamless experience during market hours. This means you need a great processor, tons of RAM, and a fast hard drive. A standard computer is not the same thing as a trading computer. If you don’t arm your business with a quality trading computer, you are selling yourself short.

How To Trade While Traveling

It is not the most ideal situation, but at times your trading business requires that you travel for a seminar or a business meeting. This means that you will be away from your home office, which is equipped with a powerful trading computer setup. During the time that you are traveling, you are going to have to trade on a different computer than you normally would. You will need to have a portable backup computer at the ready for these types of situation. You might be tempted to by an off the shelf laptop figuring that you are only going to use this to trade on occasionally. This is a profit lost waiting to happen. The outcome that you don’t want to happen is not being able to trade or worse yet lost executions while you are on this trip because of choosing to rely on and underpowered computer.

Not only is it important that your main desktop be a powerful computer, it’s important that your mobile setup packs just as much power. We recommend investing in a customized Laptop trading computer. You are going to find that off-the-shelf laptops just aren’t going to have the features that you need to trade effectively. Another important component is USB travel monitors. These are portable and slim. These will easily fit in any briefcase. This allows you to maintain your productivity while having to travel and be away from your home base.

The best situation to be in with your trading computer office on the go is to be able to function as if you were in your home office. It’s possible to use a remote desktop or software stored in the cloud to access your same trading software during your travels. Some traders might say that is not beneficial to trade while you are out of town. However, many traders choose to live a different lifestyle because of the flexibility that trading offers them. This means that they trade for a few hours in the morning and utilize the remaining time in the day to travel. It is very possible to make great trades while you are traveling if you have the right equipment.

I’m certain that you want to do as much trading as you can on your desktop computer. These are just a few things that you’ll need to have ready in case a situation doesn’t warrant you being able to work from your main computer. This includes syncing all of your bookmarks, your preferred news outlets, and trading sites between your desktop computer and your mobile devices.

How To Strengthen Your Trading Computers Password Security

2015 will no doubt further prove that many of life’s tasks are now centered around the Internet. This means that security is of the highest importance. Weather you are signing in to your trading broker account or making an online purchase, you need a great system for password security to ensure that you never encounter any identity theft or computer viruses.

With the availability to do essentially everything online, it’s easy to turn a spare room into the central hub of your trading business. Unfortunately, these same advantages that offer you this option also allows criminals to have access to sensitive information if you do not take the proper precautions. You need only check the headlines of the biggest news outlets to read cases of new data breaches. Protecting your personal and trading computer data begins with password security, so follow these three techniques for better results with all your accounts.

Develop A System

Most passwords are hacked by a computer. In password security, the most important variable is length. Many traders opt to use passwords that are more familiar and easy to remember. Because of this, the length of the password often is overlooked. Tyr creating a system so you have a variety of different passwords available to you at any time should you need to update your information. Password experts even warn against using your birth date or middle name as your password alone because these tend to be too short in length. To create a password that is lengthy but easy to remember, you can use familiar words strung together. For instance, you might try using your child’s name, a pets name, the type of car you drive, and your street you live on. If you were to use these words together you might come up with something like this: janerustyhondamain. You now have an 18-character password that is simple to remember. Because of the length, at 18 characters, there are so many possible combinations of letters that a computer would not be able to hack this password. Janerustyhondamain is easier to remember and harder for someone else to guess than any of those components on their own.

Regularly Update

It’s not enough just to create a long password for each account on your multi-monitor trading computer. You will want to update these passwords every few months with fresh information to further avoid your password ending up in the wrong hands. Without regular changes, exploits created by hackers allow your old phrases to fall into the hands of predators. Making timely updates lowers the chances of identity theft and digital data leaks, which is crucial when you are storing sensitive trading information on your computer.

By following these suggestions, you will avoid any loss in personal information or identity theft. It’s worth taking the time to update your passwords to stay away from these negative situations.

What Advantage A Custom Trading Computer Offers You

Successful day traders know that a super fast and reliable trading computer is a necessity. Your trading computer is an essential part of your ability to complete successful trades. Investing your money in a custom-built day-trading computer is what we recommend. A great computer is only as good as its slowest component. This is why you gain an advantage by leaving all of the details of what components to install in your trading computer to the experts. Most trading computer custom builders are traders themselves. This allows them to fully understand what features your trading computer needs to be able to create a dependable experience for you.

It’s Forward Thinking

Technology develops at a very rapid pace. One of the challenges in buying a computer is to make sure that your purchase is going to be powerful enough to keep up with new technology in the coming years. Out-of-the-box PC’s often have older technology installed. These types of computers are certain to be outdated with in the first year of ownership. You can be assured that a custom trading computer will be armed with the newest technology available. This allows your computer to remain relevant now and even three years from the time you had placed your purchase. This type of computer will have a super fast processor, tons of RAM, and a great graphics card to keep you trading in real time.

Available Upgrades

There are many computers that don’t allow you to make any changes down the line. Custom trading computers offer you an advantage by making it easy to change out hardware down the line. It is possible that you might want to add more monitors in a few years or upgrade your graphics cards. This can be easily done in the best stock trading computers. Out-of-the-box computers will not allow you to make any of these types of adjustments in the future. These standard computers rarely make it easy or accessible to do this. You may have found yourself simply buying a new computer in the past when your hard drive filled up or you kept having issues with available RAM.

Money Well Spent

The biggest advantage a custom stock trading computer offers you is money well spent. These computers are built and tested for the specific use of trading. Other types of computers will be underpowered and inadequate for this use. You also run the risk with other computers of spending too much on individual components that don’t offer you an advantage with your trades.

Manage Your Risk With Your Trading Computer

It is all too evident in the current technology world data risks to your Multiple monitor trading computer are eminent and need full-time production in order to avoid these disasters. Simple tasks completed on your treating computer such as opening an unwanted email or downloading a piece of software that is turns out not to be from directly from the developer can cause viruses, malware or huge problems for your Multiple monitor trading computer. And with such precious data to protect and the fact that you’re trading computer being the center of your business daily. It’s a huge issue that needs to be well thought out and protected.

The first major thing that you can do to make sure your computer has defenses against these issues is to have a great virus software and malware program installed and running on your trading computer. Your Windows computer will come with him Most likely avast some sort of basic software but ideally you should invest in a paid software or page descriptions to a majorWell replicated companyTo have an advanced level of protection for your computer.

The next thing you can do is have a malware software installed new trading PeterMake sure thatThis typeHow destructive software isn’t somehow installed on your Multiple monitor trading computer. It is all too easy to come across during counters and started to download that contains a vicious software. It happens daily. It happens to everybody. It can happen to you. So make sure that you are protected. Cleaning up the mess of a virus or malware in section to your trading computer is costly not just in terms of dollar but in terms of time. Anytime you’re trading computer is down for several hours or even several days it can have a disastrous effect on your ability to trade. So investing in the proper softwareTo protect your trading computer is really a minimal cost compared to what you could encounter as far as loss if something happens.

How Not To Overbuy On A Trading Computer

Buying a new computer for trading can be a tedious process. The first temptation you might come across is weather you are daring enough to take on the risk of building your computer yourself. Sure, parts can be purchased online and somehow you can research the best parts to buy and string together to make up your trading computer. But then what? The computer breaks down and you are solely responsible for its repair. Building your own trading computer isn’t for the faint of heart. If this path isn’t for you, you now have to decide what computer to buy. You want to make sure that your purchase is going to give you the most bang for your buck. In order to do this, you will need to know what areas to watch out for so that your Custom Trading Computers delivers as much value as possible for your investment.

Low quality or generic parts

Ask for a detailed parts list. This doesn’t just apply to custom builders. You need to know what parts are being included in your computer and how they compare to other options on the market.

Unnecessary Features

We tend do want all the bells and the whistles. In some cases this is a bonus, but this is not always the case. Sure, it’s nice to have navigation built into your car. Built-in features that improve your user experience are most often worth a bit more money. However, what if that same car offered you TV screens in all of the headrests? Since this is a commuter car that is most often just driven by you. Why would you want to pay for this feature? Computers can be the same way. You want to buy parts and spend money on features that are going to enable you to be a better trader. Installing a graphics card that is meant for movie producers isn’t the best use of your money allocated to purchasing a computer.

Skipping the Research Phase

You will need to do your homework. You cannot make the best value purchase with out doing a fair amount of research about the trading computer that fits you best. This doesn’t have to be a difficult or overwhelming task. Use the resources that are available to you to educate yourself about what you should purchase. Ask experts about custom trading computers. Talk to other traders that have been through a similar process.

Why Trading Computers Are Crucial to Exiting The Market At The Right Time

The worst time to exit a trade is when it’s already on a downtrend or right after a large drop in price.

In order to avoid selling or buying in a panic, you have to have a reliable system that you can use to create predictable results. This allows you to leave the emotions out of the equation. There are several reasons that trading computers play an important role in the ability to either complete your executions according to plan and exit a trade immediately when things start heading in a direction you were not expecting. Your stock trading computer’s speed and power will play an important role based on how quickly it can process real time data in both of these cases. As a successful trader, you need to make sure that your trading hardware is up to the task of swing or day trading. With out a great computer, you risk trading on an underpowered machine that is sure to lead you to an unexpected loss.

A custom trading computer – one that is designed specifically for traders – is a necessary tool in your trading career. This is your connection to the markets. You need a dependable trading computer and a super fast Internet connection in order to complete successful trades. However, it is a misconception that you can have one with out the other. In fact, you will need to invest wisely in both areas.

The level of your Internet connection is important because this will dictate how fast you will be able to send and receive information from the stock markets. You should take time today to test your Internet upload and download speeds that your trading computer is receiving. This is a simple test you can run by going to sending a ping to your local server. The test results will tell you how fast your information is sent to and received from your server. Clearly, the higher the connection speed the better. Especially when your income and success depends on receiving real time or live information.

Your trading computer needs to have several important components installed. You will need a lightning fast processor, tons of RAM, and an SSD hard drive. You don’t simply need one of these components…you need all of them together. A great trading computer is about the level and quality of components, but also how well those components work together. Now is the time to evaluate your current equipment and Internet connection to make sure that you are not leaving great trades behind because of a lack of investment in these aspects.

How Your Trading Computer Can Get You Out of A Bad Trade

In trading, it can be devastating to encounter a bad trade. As soon as you start noticing that the trade is going bad and heading in a direction that you were not expecting, you want to be able to exit this trade. In order to do this your computer needs to be able to communicate with the markets in a very timely manner. In these cases your stock trading computer’s ability to process information in real-time is absolutely crucial. You need to arm yourself with a super fast custom trading computers and ultimate Internet speeds. Without these elements, you risk exiting at trade at a later time that a later time that you had planned for and encountering further losses.

You’ll need to have a very powerful processor on board in your stock trading computer in order efficiently operate in these conditions. Inexperienced trainers will make the mistake of not understanding these necessary components until they encounter a loss. Think about what you are risking by ignoring the facts that successful traders already know. As a new trader, you want the most amount of capital possible in order To take part in more trades. Risking this capital is not worth missing out on these opportunities.

He’ll also need to have a great Internet connection. This is one of the most cost-effective and impactful parts of your trading computer that you can change today. You’ll be to make sure that you’re receiving significant speeds so that you can view data from the markets and news outlets and timely manner. As a trader you should be paying for the highest tier of speeds that your Internet provider will offer. This is not an area that you want to try and save capital money on. Spending a couple hundred bucks a month in order to have a great Internet connection each day is worth the investment. If you’re not able to upgrade to a custom trading computer today, this is something that you can change that will directly impact your experience with your trades.

You’ll want to make sure that the current speeds that you are getting are what your service provider is advertising and that you are paying for. Often times with Internet speeds you’ll see a decrease in upload and download speeds during peak times of the day. This is particularly true if you live in the Metropolitan area. You can use online sites like speed to test your trading computer Internet speeds at several times during your trading day.

Why Your Trading Computer Is Preventing You From Reaching Your Profit Target

Achieving a crucial profit target is what every trader battles each day. All types of traders go to great lengths to find the few trades that are going to enable them to meet this goal. Distractions, technology, and bad information are just a few factors that could prevent you from gaining profits. There are several elements that are out of your control when it comes to these situations. A trade might head in a sudden downtrend that you were not expecting. These types of things happen, even to the best of traders. Successful traders know how to quickly get out of a bad trade before it gets any worse. However, there are factors that you can control to make sure that a great trade isn’t missed for reasons like a power outage and sluggish Internet speeds.

You might think that you can’t protect yourself from power outages. After all, this is a random occurrence that has nothing to do with you. You can choose to use technology to help you bridge the gap in power outage if a brown-out happens frequently in your area. Battery back ups were designed to help you avoid disasters in these situations. These are essentially generators for your stock trading computer that will allow you to have a few extra seconds to save your current work. In most cases, these are just very short power outages lasting only a few seconds. This still means disaster for a custom trading computer that doesn’t have a power backup installed. This type of power outage still means that your computer completely goes down and closes out all of the work you were previously doing. Your trading computer is your communication highway to the markets. If your computer goes down this can mean thousands of lost capital.

Another important factor in your trading success is your Internet connection. A sluggish Internet connection could be delivering you out-of-date information. Even a few seconds delay in information is going to cost you a lost execution. As a trader, you need access to real time information. This is going to require that you have a great day trading computer and a lightning fast Internet connection. The first step to figuring out what level of Internet connection you are receiving is to test your current connection. You can do this through several sites such as This will ping your local server and give you download/upload speed results. Traders need to have the highest speeds available running into their trading computer. This could be anywhere from 50 mbps to 100 mbps.

How To Check The Performance Of Your Trading Computer

The performance of your trading computer is crucial to your ability to spot successful trades. This is next to impossible to accomplish on an underpowered machine. Checking your computer performance is essential to determine if you’re using an underpowered machine or if your custom trading computer needs maintenance to perform like new. You can very easily check this regularly by opening up a couple settings on your trading computer.

The task manager gives you a bird’s eye view of what your computer performance is in real time. This allows you to see how your trading computer is handling the usage of the CPU, memory and RAM. These components are vital to the speed of your computer. By reviewing this information during your trading day, you are able to evaluate if there are any programs that are hogging CPU power or RAM.

The software that you will be utilizing on your trading computer is very heavy-handed on RAM. It is important to monitor your computer’s efficiency in using RAM. You might find that a program is unnecessarily using the majority of the RAM available on your computer. This is an important factor in diagnosing any issues you’re having with your training computer freezing or spontaneously shutting down. The majority of new and part-time traders will utilize at least six gigabytes of RAM. This number reflects the RAM consumption of trading platforms. On average this is usually anywhere from 2 to 4 GB of RAM. This is just another reason why you need to be sure that your trading computer is armed with at least 8 GB of RAM.

The performance of your processors another important element that will affect the performance of your trading computer. It is important to note that you’ll want to monitor how are computer applications to utilize each percentage of your CPU Power. You can check on this periodically throughout your trading day by opening the task manager and viewing the percentage of CPU power that each program is using in real-time. Even if you have a super powerful processor, it can often times become slower because of individual applications. During your training day you certainly want all of your CPU power to be applied to your trading platforms. This is especially important if you are trading in the foreign exchange markets and need to monitor Real-time information from multiple currencies. This type of task is very complex and will require A large percentage of your computers processing power.